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Were you looking for the quests, N [40] The Green Hills of Stranglethorn (old) / N [24] The Green Hills of Stranglethorn or the in-game book The Green Hills of Stranglethorn?
Fail:Ability mount whitetiger.png Fail:Neutral 15.png The Green Hills of Stranglethorn Achievement points::10 Achievement points
Complete all of Hemet Nesingwary quests in Stranglethorn Vale up to and including Big Game Hunter.
  • Big Game Hunter

The Green Hills of Stranglethorn is an achievement for completing a quest chain in Northern Stranglethorn.

The Stranglethorn Safari quest chain[]

The Stranglethorn Safari quest chain

Pre-Cataclysm quest chains[]

Hunter camp[]

Ajeck Rouack's quests:

    1. N [31] Tiger Mastery (old)
    2. N [33] Tiger Mastery (2)
    3. N [35] Tiger Mastery (3)
    4. N [37] Tiger Mastery (4)

Sir S. J. Erlgadin's quests:

    1. N [31] Panther Mastery (old)
    2. N [33] Panther Mastery (2)
    3. N [38] Panther Mastery (3)
    4. N [40G] Panther Mastery (4)

Hemet Nesingwary Jr.'s quests:

    1. N [34] Raptor Mastery (old)
    2. N [36] Raptor Mastery (2)
    3. N [41] Raptor Mastery (3)
    4. N [43] Raptor Mastery (4)

Having completed all of the above, Hemet Nesingwary Jr. offers you

  • N [43E] Big Game Hunter (old)

The Green Hills of Stranglethorn quest chain[]

Quest:The Green Hills of Stranglethorn (old)

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (patch date::2010-11-23): Required quests changed. 

External links[]
