World of Warcraft Wiki
"Lei Shen" redirects here. Were you looking for the raid boss named the Boss Lei Shen in the Throne of Thunder?

According to Zhi the Harmonious <Caretaker> of the Golden Lotus, the Thunder King was an emperor named Lei Shen and various weapons and armor of the Thunder King were buried in shrines and tombs around the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.[1] The Thunder King was a tyrannical Mogu warlord who united the Mogu factions at some point in the distant past[2] and became the first emperor of the mogu in Pandaria.[3] The Thunder King rose to power “the mogu way”; namely, by eliminating his rivals one by one.[4] According to legend, he was able to accomplish this with the help of a mysterious artifact that he found in the depths of a mountain. After his rise to power, he built the Mogu'shan Vaults to contain and protect this secret[4] and converted the surrounding structure into a sort of shrine dedicated to the mogu empire.

Known for

  • Uniting the mogu of Pandaria into an empire.[3]
  • Subjugating the other races of Pandaria, except the mantid.[3]
  • Constructing the great wall called the Serpent's Spine.[3]


  1. N [90] Battle Spear of the Thunder King, N [90] Battle Axe of the Thunder King, N [90] Battle Helm of the Thunder King
  2. Blizzard Entertainment 2012-07-30. Blizzard Insider #45 – Mists of Pandaria – Raid Preview. Official World of Warcraft Community site (US).
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera 2013-02-20. Know Thy Enemy: Portrait of a Thunder King. Official World of Warcraft Community site (US).
       Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera 2013-02-20. Know Thy Enemy: Portrait of a Thunder King. Official World of Warcraft Community site (EU).
  4. 4,0 4,1 Matthew Rossi 2012-12-21. Know Your Lore: Who is the Thunder King?. WoW Insider.

External links

Official lore